"Friends" has finally been released under N.O.M.A.D.S Music on the official soundcloud which will be linked below:
The nostalgic track was being promoted for about a month on Write's social media outlets. The catchy vibe and storytelling lyrics paint a picture of the early 90's New York City with friends. A truly captivating audio story that will have you lost in your own memories from the best parts of your childhood. With July finally here this is a perfect track to get in the summertime mindset.
The track itself features a crisp engineering from KD Productions in Queens NY, and also features a wide vocal range from Just Write who you can tell has been thinking outside of the box with this one. The ArtWork is very fun for this track and was drawn by hand by artist Maria Nazario of Orlando FL. It depicts a scene of 169th Street Jamaica Queens NY where Just Write is from and also has a general feel for what you will hear on the track . A sort of "Community" feeling that will have anybody proud of where they are from. This one goes out to all the real friends out there because we all need them.
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